Greetings Vendors!
On Behalf of the City of Springfield, we would like to extend an invitation for you to join us at our Annual Springfield Fall Festival. Our one-day festival is packed with excellent foods, first class entertainment, and a unique variety of vendors that will attract visitors to our festival from all over the Southeast.
The festival features free live concerts, children’s area, arts and craft vendors and a fantastic food selection. We cannot wait for this family fun packed weekend!
To ensure you are a part of the Springfield Fall Festival, please fill out the attached application and send it to the address provided below before the deadline <2025 Deadline Date will be posted soon>. Payment must be submitted along with your application. Applications received after the deadline may be accepted, however a late sign-up fee will be charged. Food Vendors must be registered by October 1st. Please read the regulations fully and fill your applications out accordingly. We will do our best to accommodate all our vendor’s needs, but cannot guarantee special treatment. Please send in your forms as soon as you can. Space will be limited and applications and requests will be granted to those first to apply.
General Vendor Spaces – $100 each. Art, Crafts, Miscellaneous. This is for all non-food booth spaces in the festival. Booths will be on Laurel Street, adjacent to the sidewalk, facing the center of the road. Electricity WILL NOT be available for General Vendors. Generators will be allowed, but vendors must specify this on their application, and generators should not become a nuisance to other vendors or festival guests. Please be prepared for your generator to be up to 100’ away from your booth.
Food Vendors – Space is extremely limited downtown, so please select your space size carefully. The entire footprint of your food preparation and serving area must fit within the space selected. Payment will be invoiced and due after your application has been accepted.
10’ x 10’ or Small Cart Style Booth – $150
10’ x 15’ Food Space $200
10’ x 20’ Food Space $250
10’ x 30’ Food Space $300
Any additional questions can be directed to Jennifer Smith, Vendor Coordinator via email [email protected] or by phone (912) 754-7617. Information can also be obtained from our website
Thank you for your interest in the 2023 Springfield Fall Festival. We look forward to you being a part of this year’s festivities!!
City of Springfield
Changes to the Festival
In and effort to always grow and improve, we’ve made both small and large changes to our festival over the years. Please read the guidelines below fully to understand the rules for this years festival – they may be a little different than you may have experienced in the past at our event. Here are some of the changes return vendors need to be aware of:
- This years festival will be one-day with set up on Saturday Morning
- The location of the stage shifted and we will no longer offer Premium Vendor Spaces.
These are not all the changes – so PLEASE READ THE GUIDELINES FULLY

Fall Festival Vendor Areas
Food Vendors – $150 to $300 Available to Food Vendors only, booth sizes will start at 10′ x 10′. Those needing more room must purchase additional space. Spaces will be priced as follows:
10′ x 10′ : $150 10′ x 15′ : $200 10′ x 20′ : $250 10′ x 30′ : $300
Each booth in this area will be provided reliable electricity during the festival. There are a limited number of booths and they will be assigned based on the order in which the applications and payments are received. Each food vendor must fit within the space alloted. Trailer tongues, tents, tables and any other items must fit in the assigned space, no exceptions will be made. *Larger food vendor spots may have higher fees.
General Vendor Spaces – $100 each. Art, Crafts, Miscellaneous. This is for all other booth spaces in the festival. Booths will line the street facing the center. Vendors will be assigned booths based on the date their application and payment is received. If you want to be closer to the stage, please sign up early. Electricity WILL NOT be available in this area. Generators will be allowed, but vendors must specify this on their application, and generators should not become a nuisance to other vendors or festival guests. Please be prepared for your generator to be up to 100’ away from your booth.
Fall Festival Rules and Guidelines
Additional Food Vendor regulations are posted below and will vary from the General Vendor Guidelines.
General Vendor Set Up Vendor set up time is Saturday from 6:30am-9:30am. (Not applicable to food vendors) All vendor set-up must be completed during the assigned times and vendors must be ready to receive guests by 10am. Vendors will be able to drive into the festival area during set up, but ALL VEHICLES MUST BE OFF THE STREET BY 9:00AM on Saturday morning. There will be absolutely NO VEHICLE TRAFFIC in the festival area during festival hours.
General Vendor Take Down: General Vendors will not be allowed to take down their booths until after 7:00pm on Saturday Night. (Not applicable to Food Vendors) There will be large crowds in this area and vehicles will not be allowed in the festival area until after 10:00pm.
Merchandise Restrictions: All types of merchandise will be allowed, except yard sale items or anything deemed inappropriate or vulgar by the Festival Committee. We also ask that vendors do not give away food items or beverages. Those setting up displays considered inappropriate by the Festival Committee will be asked to remove their goods and leave without refund of their application fees. No special privileges or exclusiveness will be granted. You are responsible for governing your own products within your own organization. ABSOLUTELY NO PROFANITY OR INAPPROPRIATE IMAGERY will be tolerated.
Security: Uniformed security will be on patrol beginning at 6:00pm on Friday until close of the festival.
Booth Items: The festival committee does not provide tents, tables, or chairs to vendors. Generators will be allowed only in designated areas (see Vendor Areas Map) and must be noted on your application. Generator placement and annoyance will be determined by the festival committee; please be prepared for generators to be up to 100’ from your booth. Booth tents must be tied down and secured at all times. The Fall Festival Committee reserves the right to ask vendors to remove their tents if they consider them to be unsafe or in danger of causing harm.
Booth Locations: Booth locations will be determined by the festival committee based on the order the applications are received. Booth assignments will be available at vendor check-in. Requests may be considered, but special treatment is not guaranteed.
Food Vendors Set up/Take Down: Food Vendors will be required to set up on Friday prior to 8pm. Food Vendors will not be able to tear down their booths until after the festival ends at 10:00pm on Saturday Night.
Food/Drink Restrictions: No alcohol sales by vendors will be allowed, unless permission is granted by the Festival Committee. Food Vendors must limit their menu selections for this festival – there will be a maximum of 4 main entrée items per vendor (this limit does not apply to or include side items and/or drinks). Vendors who sell food items being prepared onsite, must be registered as Food Vendors. Artists and volunteers will be given food vouchers to use during the festival and food vendors can accept these vouchers as payment and return them after the festival for reimbursement. Payment reimbursements for food vouchers will be issued within 14 days after the festival. All food vendors will be required to possess a valid food service permit prior to selling food at the festival.